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Analog Lines Replacement

On November 29, 2017, the FCC released a Report and Order (R&O), Declaratory Ruling, and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Further Notice) addressing (1) retirement of landline copper lines and (2) replacement of legacy services (i.e., traditional Plain Old Telephone Service, also known as “POTS”) with next-generation service, such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). provides business with cost effective and easy to implement VoIP solutions completely cloud-based and with great business tools

  • In the Order, the Commission reminds carriers that when they seek to discontinue legacy services in favor of advanced services, such as VoIP, they must ensure their new services are accessible, compatible, and usable for persons with disabilities. This includes the obligation to ensure that any new services are compatible with peripheral devices and specialized customer premises equipment, such as TTYs and captioned telephones. (See paragraphs 152-54 of the order for more information.)

  • In the Further Notice, the Commission seeks comment on a proposal to eliminate the requirement for carriers to offer an “adequate outreach plan” and accompanying consumer education materials when discontinuing legacy retail services. (See paragraphs 176-177 of the Further Notice).
What is VoIP? VoIP is the technology that allows voice communication over the internet. What it does is take audio data, like the caller’s voice, and encapsulate it, then break it down into small data packets. These packets travel through IP networks until they reach their destination, where they are reformed into the audio data. Together with a set of transmission capabilities, it is able to duplicate telephony functionalities.

What is VoIP?

VoIP is the technology that allows voice communication over the internet. What it does is take audio data, like the caller’s voice, and encapsulate it, then break it down into small data packets. These packets travel through IP networks until they reach their destination, where they are reformed into the audio data. Together with a set of transmission capabilities, it is able to duplicate telephony functionalities.

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