What is FCC 19-72 ? Analog line replacement act
Back in October of 2021, the team at Macronet Services posted an article called “It’s Time to Act on Copper Replacement”. This article summarizes the FCC Memorandum and Opinion Order FCC 19-72 and what it means for your business. It also summarizes the types of devices and systems that rely on POTs lines as well as some of the alternatives that are available in the marketplace to prepare your business for when POTs service is no longer available at your business locations.
FCC 19-72
This order enacts forbearance for carriers from their obligations to provide new copper communications services, including POTS lines to businesses as of July 26, 2022 (some notices use August 2, 2022 as the date). Although the order grants relief to carriers “from outdated and burdensome phone industry regulations”, it does not mean that carriers must decommission their more than 38 million POTS lines that remain in service by August 2, 2022.
What is does mean is that businesses need to quickly act to inventory their copper services and have a plan to move the POTS lines to next generation gateway devices that will enable devices that reply on POTS services (i.e. Alarm lines, POS systems, elevator lines, SCADA, Fax, and other devices) in the event that their current supplier does discontinue their POTS offering at one or more sites.
Many carriers have already notified their customers of their intent to terminate the POTS service offering in some or all geographies and are implementing price increases of up to 150% in effort to incentivize their customers to make the move to next generation solutions. The faster their customers move, the faster the carriers can decommission costly and aging copper infrastructure that they were once committed by the FCC to service.
The newer POTs replacement products require the installation of a gateway device that will be installed at your current 66-block and connect to a wired or wireless internet link. The gateway will then enable the POTs signal to reach a PSTN (public switched telephone network) gateway to terminate the signal. Some of the gateway devices also include a back-up power supply and some suppliers require an additional device for uninterruptible power.
What is POTS ?
Plain old telephone service (POTS), or plain ordinary telephone system,[1] is a retronym for voice-grade telephone service employing analog signal transmission over copper loops. POTS was the standard service offering from telephone companies from 1876 until 1988[2] in the United States when the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Basic Rate Interface (BRI) was introduced, followed by cellular telephone systems, and voice over IP (VoIP). POTS remains the basic form of residential and small business service connection to the telephone network in many parts of the world. The term reflects the technology that has been available since the introduction of the public telephone system in the late 19th century, in a form mostly unchanged despite the introduction of Touch-Tone dialing, electronic telephone exchanges and fiber-optic communication into the public switched telephone network (PSTN).
Witpbx.com helps business replace POTS / analog telephone lines with either wireless or VoIP digital communications contact us at https://www.witpbx.com/copy-of-contact-us

What types of devices rely on POTs lines?
Many systems have been built using POTs line signaling technology and depend on their reliability for their function. Some systems also depend on central office supplied power (48V DC on-hook). Examples of POTs dependent systems include:
Fire Alarms
Call Boxes and dedicated phones for 911 Emergency Services
Point of Sale Systems
Gate Access
Faxing and privacy compliance
Business Resiliency and BCDR (redundancy for other voice transport)
SCADA systems
Out of Band Systems Management
Because of the petition, the FCC took up the issue of the unbundling requirement within the 1996 act. The Commission ultimately voted to remove the unbundling and maintenance requirements of the incumbent LECs because their data showed:
TDM share of wireline connections fell from 82% to 37% from 2008-2017. During this same period, interconnected VoIP connections rose by 300%.
Residential subscribers were also following suit, with residential reliance on traditional switched access services (POTS) falling by 71% but VoIP subscriptions rose by 104%.
Even more telling was the number of businesses that made the switch. The percentage of businesses using POTS lines fell by 49% while business VoIP rose by 1,062%.
In just one year, from June 2016 to June 2017, voice subscriptions relying on unbundled loops dropped from 2.6 million to 1.8 million, a more than 30% drop.

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